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Weekend News (September 8, 2024)
Stay up to date and in the know with the latest news, updates, and events + Sunday’s message outline.
Family Night | Investing Faithfully
Wednesday, September 18 • 6:00-7:00 PM M.A.P. Out Your Personal Calling | Have you ever wondered where you fit in to all that God is doing? Maybe you’ve asked questions like, “How did God make me?” or “How can God use me?” This fall, discover not only how God wired...
Sermon Series | Follow
Begins September 8 | 9:30 & 11:00 AM Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fish for people.” These simple words, spoken to a few ordinary people caught up in the day to day of their own lives, would ultimately launch a movement that would revolutionize the...
Vision Sunday | A Year of Transformation
September 8 | 9:30 & 11:00 AM You're invited to join us on September 8 as we will launch Vision 24/25. This year’s theme, A Year of Transformation, focuses on the opportunity we have, both as individual followers of Jesus and as believers who make up Bible Center...
GO Team Uganda Info Meeting
September 15 | 10:30 AM & 12:30 PM An informational meeting will be held after both morning in Room 2104 (next to the kitchen). This GO Team will hold a VBS with global partners John and Christy Page in April 2025.
Weekend News (September 1, 2024)
Stay up to date and in the know with the latest news, updates, and events + Sunday’s message outline.
You’re Invited: Vision 24/25 Prayer Breakfast
Saturday, September 21 | 9 AM | Rm. 3101/02 Join our pastors and prayer partners in humbly asking God to transform and use us as we seek to impact our world through our Vision 24/25 objectives. A light breakfast will be provided. RSVP by Sunday, September 15.
Weekend News (August 25, 2024)
Stay up to date and in the know with the latest news, updates, and events + Sunday’s message outline.
Membership Class
Friday, September 20 • 6:30-8:30 PM Considering membership? Want to learn more about Bible Center? Ready to find your fit and join the mission? Meet some of our staff and learn how you can be a part of all God is doing in our community. In addition, we'll cover our...