Sunday | 9:30 & 11:00 AM
Sunday | 11:00 AM
BCS School Emphasis Sunday
News & Events
Church Life
First Sunday | Membership Class
February 2 | Room 3105/06 | 15 mins. after the 11 AM service ends | Considering membership? Want to learn more about what it means to become a member? Ready to find your fit and join the mission? Meet some of our staff and learn how you can be a part of all God is doing in our community. In addition, we’ll cover our core beliefs, mission, vision, values, and more! Register now, or just show up!
Women’s Spa Night
Friday, February 7 | 6:00-8:30 PM | Need an evening to relax, recharge and rejuvenate? All ladies—young and old alike—are invited to come relax and enjoy a spa night. Cost: $10. Register now!
Discover Bible Center
Sunday, February 16 | 9:30 & 11:00 AM | Room 2104-B | If you’re new or newer here, we’d love to get to know you! And, we’d like to invite you to get to know us. Join Pastor Steve Neill and Paula Toney for coffee and pastries at Discover Bible Center. Whether you’re new or just curious to learn more, this is your chance to connect, ask questions, and discover all that makes Bible Center Church a special place to call home. Let us know you’re coming (preferred but not required). We look forward to seeing you!
Congregational Meeting
February 16 | 6 PM | We’d love to have you join us for an informational meeting which will be held to share updates on several ministry initiatives, stories of life change, and a few business items, including an update on a high school and in-depth look at the 2024 Christmas Offering. Light refreshments will be available.
Special Needs Movie Day
Saturday, February 8 | 10:30 AM | LeBelle Theater | Bible Center Church is hosting a movie for all families affected by disability. This sensory-friendly screening will present the movie with the lights up and the volume low. Moving around, talking, and even dancing in the aisles are welcome!
NEW Moms’ Playgroup
Join us for our Monday Moms’ Playgroup! We will meet every Monday at 9:30 AM in our Early Childhood area, located on the first floor. This is an opportunity for moms and their young children to find connection, support, and friendship. For more information, please reach out to Katie Ferrari, Early Childhood Director.
OWLS Bingo Night (55+)
Friday, February 21 | 6-8 PM | Twin City campus | You’re Invited to BINGO with the OWLS! Join us for a fun-filled evening of BINGO, delicious pizza, drinks, and dessert with the Older, Wiser, Livelier Saints! This special event is open to all OWLS (age 55+) from both Southridge and Twin City campuses. Let’s connect, laugh, and enjoy the company of friends, old and new. Cost: $5. Please register and pay online by February 17. We can’t wait to see you there!
Hurricane Relief Teams
Upcoming opportunities are available to serve the people of Eastern Tennessee who are still recovering from Hurricane Helene, with many living in tents or campers and others needing help finishing repairs on their homes. Projects include painting, installing cabinets, flooring, and sub-flooring, with tools provided (though you’re welcome to bring your own). We also need team members to prepare and serve meals. Two trips are scheduled with flexible attendance options. Complete the form to indicate interest, or contact Gail Nichols.
- February 27–March 3
- March 27–31
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