Sunday | 9:30 & 11:00 AM
Sunday | 11:00 AM
How can we share our faith with confidence?
January 22 | 6 PM | Southridge Campus | Where do we begin, and how do we have spiritual conversations? How do we answer the tough questions? Learn how to cultivate relationships, share your own story, and confidently have positive conversations about faith. Join us for our first Family Night of 2025! Plan to arrive a little early to grab a bite to eat.
News & Events
Church Life
Baptism Opportunity
January 26 | Ready to go public with your faith in Jesus? If you’re ready to take this next step in your journey with Christ, register by Sunday, January 19. We’ll be in touch with details!
First Sunday
February 2 | 15 mins. after the 11 AM service ends | Led by Pastor Mike Graham | Considering membership? Want to learn more about Bible Center? Ready to find your fit and join the mission? Meet some of our staff and learn how you can be a part of all God is doing in our community. In addition, we’ll cover our core beliefs, mission, vision, values, and more! Lunch provided. Children welcome! Register now.
Women’s Spa Night
Friday, February 7 | 6:00-8:30 PM | Need an evening to relax, recharge and rejuvenate? All ladies—young and old alike—are invited to come relax and enjoy a spa night. Cost: $10. Register now!
Hurricane Relief Teams
Upcoming opportunities are available to serve the people of Eastern Tennessee who are still recovering from Hurricane Helene, with many living in tents or campers and others needing help finishing repairs on their homes. Projects include painting, installing cabinets, flooring, and sub-flooring, with tools provided (though you’re welcome to bring your own). We also need team members to prepare and serve meals. Three trips are scheduled with flexible attendance options. Complete the form to indicate interest, or contact Gail Nichols.
- January 23–February 1
- February 27–March 3
- March 27–31
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